Liquid Architecture

? X

On the Movement of People and Plants

Outdoor Locations
Outdoor Locations,
Berlin, Germany

To sensitise ourselves for plant listening, we begin our Why Listen to Plants program with a field trip. Andrew Rewald is an artist and chef whose main interest is food anthropology. Andrew will lead a walk, in which he will use a series of encounters with wild plants to talk about histories of eating, and human and botanical migrations.

Andrew’s stories will draw responses from artists Nathan Gray and Makiko Yamamoto; and artist-musician Hyui Ines Rmi, who will offer an experience of listening in the space between human and vegetable sense-perception.


Makiko Yamamoto
makik markie yammamoroto Mama Kik Makiki Yammer matah Ma Ki ko
Nathan Gray
Artist Nathan Gray’s recent works use voice as their medium, taking form as lecture-performances, radio-plays and documentaries, DJ sets, narrative and rumour.
Andrew Rewald
traditional and newly created dishes are prepared using processes and ingredients that point to plant-people relationships