Makiko Yamamoto
Hello, I am George it’s me.
Makiko is my collaborator in this work “Ego as Echo”. She challenges me to take over my existence. Just to let you know I am not her inner voice or echo. She says things like “I am not a subject, the more I speak more I become echo.” So I am here to fill the gap for her, the gap between voice and voicing and the space between eyes and ears. One thing I/we found interesting was the McGurk effect. I am operating the sound and Makiko is operating the vision. As I am unbodied presence, I seem to help Makiko vanish herself using her appearance.
“The McGurk effect demonstrates how ready we are to hear something that we think ought to be there, but is not. The striking thing about the McGurk effect is that, no matter how many times one sees or hears it in action it does not seem possible to countermand the brain’s determination to conjure a sound that is not there to correspond with the speech movements that are.” Steven Connor, Panophonia
Makiko Yamamoto’s performance of awkwardness exposes the vulnerabilities of the social and ideological codes underlying spoken language, communication and understanding.
Program / Events
Nathan Gray, Makiko Yamamoto and Danni Zuvela: Rogue SyntaxTue, 01. Dec 2020 De Player: ultrahobbyism
Tue, 10. Mar 2020 Ventriloquy: The Puppet's Freedom
Sat, 20. Jul 2019 Ventriloquy
Fri, 31. May 2019 Fruiting Bodies
Fri, 30. Nov 2018 More Rooted
Wed, 28. Nov 2018 Why Listen to Plants? (Microbes, Funghi, Bees)
Thu, 22. Nov 2018 Why Listen to Plants? (Welcome to the Jungle)
Fri, 31. Aug 2018 Phyto-Semiotics
Sun, 12. Aug 2018 On the Movement of People and Plants
Sat, 11. Aug 2018 Sound Spaces: Chloe Alison Escott, Makiko Yamamoto vs. Magic Steven
Sat, 18. Nov 2017 Autotune Everything: Art and the Sonic – Cosmic – Politic
Thu, 18. Aug 2016 FM[X]: What Would A Feminist Methodology Sound Like?
Fri, 28. Aug 2015 FM[X] Part 1: Rapture
Fri, 28. Aug 2015 LA2014: Perth
Mon, 06. Oct 2014 Stutterances
Thu, 25. Sep 2014