Liquid Architecture

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Gesture Manifest

Nicholas Building, 37 Swanston St, Melbourne
12PM - 6PM

This exhibition articulates the relationships between these words-movements and their surroundings—how a grammar becomes physical. What was fixed is in-motion. What was silent is speaking.

Giving voice to the inaudible. Marking, staining, rubbing against and pressing onto the world. Generating little records of a presence.

Through Gesture Manifest, objects are imbued with new velocity: seconds and minutes of touch help us perceive months and years; material that was static is now slow-motion. This exhibition offers situations as ‘gestural events’.


Carolyn Eskdale, Bridie Lunney, Shelley Lasica, Clare Milledge & Tom Smith


Thursday 21 July, 6-8pm: opening performance by Tom Smith

Saturday 30 July, 4pm: closing performance by Shelley Lasica

Curated by Anabelle Lacroix and Andrew Tetzlaff


Print material designed by U-P


Bridie Lunney
contextualisation, engagement, combination, prescription
Carolyn Eskdale
wall pressings
Shelley Lasica
the interaction between spoken, written and movement language, loss of memory and senses, coincidence and the subject of space
Tom Smith
attempts to capture the ludic, depersonalized, uncanny and frustrating moments. Generic interfaces structure behaviour and produce modes of interacting and consuming that place within the privacy of individual devices.