Carolyn Connors
Hector and Susan
At one factory, each worker was assigned a piece of wood. Each of the four sides was painted a different colour: black, white, yellow and blue. The piece of wood displayed the colour that corresponded to the quality of the worker’s work the previous day: black was bad, blue was so-so, yellow was good, and white was excellent. The daily colour for each worker was logged in a ‘book of colour’.
60 to 70 percent of workers are female.
In 1841 Thomas Cook offered their first tour, a rail excursion between Leicester and Loughborough.
The work will be translated into English using Google translate, and will be available on this website in late September
Program / Events
Ventriloquy: Self by ProxyTue, 09. Jul 2019 Capitalist Surrealism
Thu, 24. Sep 2015