Liquid Architecture

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Anne-James Chaton: Témoignages and Portraits

Sat, 29. Oct 2016
Queen Victoria Gardens
St Kilda Rd

Liquid Architecture welcomes the excellent French sound poet, artist and performer Anne-James Chaton to Melbourne for the first time.

Over 10 days in town Anne-James will be popping up in multiple places – by which we mean MPavilion and Gertrude Contemporary.

From MON 24 Oct to SAT 29 Oct he’ll will be collecting voices and words (spoken and written) at MPavilion as material for two parallel projects: Témoignages (Testimonies) and portraits.

Témoignages is a translingual sound work built from conversations between the artist and the public – in multiple mother tongues. It will culminate in a performance on SAT 29 Oct.

Portraits is a visual work extending from meetings between the artist and visitors of different professions. It culminates in the creation of bespoke images representing each meeting.

Portraits to create (open list): ambassador, bailiff, baker, banker, bodyguard, broker, bus driver, cashier, cellar man (wine merchant), clerk, controller, delivery man, doctor, farmer, fireman, fisherman, florist, garbage collector, gas station attendant, grocer, hostess, illegal worker, IT officer, locksmith, mayor, minister, model, MP, newsagent, postman, printer, prison warden, prisoner, retail worker, salesman, senator, sex worker, tax inspector, teacher, trainer, TV presenter, waiter, webmaster, window dresser.

Portraits already realised: accountant, an expert in gambling, architect, art director, artist, athlete, barrister, bartender, biologist, bookseller, brigadier, business consultant, butcher, carpenter, chef, choreographer, coffee roaster, conservator, contractor, dentist, deputy prosecutor, designer, director of a crematorium, director of the funeral home, editor, electrician, electrician, employee, engineer, film director, finance manager, fishmonger, florist, gallery owner, graphic designer, guitarist, head of business, housekeeper, insurer astronaut, jeweler, journalist, judge, kindergarten teacher, law professor, Lawyer specialised in associations and foundations rights, legal expert, actress, MD, musician, nurse, paramedic, photographer, plaintiff, plumber, poet, policeman, priest, producer, project manager, projectionist, publicist, script writer, secretary, security officer, singer, social worker, steward, teacher, translator, unemployed, union worker, visual artist.

Languages recorded: Dutch, Japanese, English, Italian, Catalan, Korean, Spanish, Amharic (Ethiopia), Farsi, Sri Lankan, Ukrainian.

Languages required: all others.


Anne-James Chaton
phonetic rhythms, texture of words, reverberations into conversational territories