Paper Beats Rock: Christof Migone
Fri, 26. Sep 2014
West Space
Level 1/225 Bourke St
Melbourne, VIC
Level 1/225 Bourke St
Melbourne, VIC
Non-fluency is regarded as a hindrance to full participation in a society where functionality is measured by degree of communicability. This premise has to be examined within a relation to power. Language is wielded, it has shifting barometers of exclusion, it is not a neutral utility.
Our reading group, a place of sociality and discourse. We supply sustenance, materials, and discussion, led by our guests. You supply the encounter.
Christof Migone
Current research: Microphone hitting, book flipping, tongue extruding, record releasing, word hyphenating, para-pedagogical positioning, careless curating, noise making, sequitur following, paper passing, interval counting, rhythm repeating, phone licking, machine fingering, playlist compiling, silence listening.