Liquid Architecture

? X

Autofiction: Channels Festival Closing Party

The Substation
1 Market St
9PM - 3AM
$20 / $18
Purchase tickets

Choose your channel as we guide you through speculative visions of the future with performances by RACHEL MASON (US), HANNAH BRONTË, JESSWARCLUB D’ERANGE and the D’erange Dance Guides, underscored with sub-sounds by LIQUID ARCHITECTURE’S SARAH MCCAULAY and moving image by XANTHE DOBBIE as they take control of stage and screen

Liquid Architecture feat. IRL (Incendium Radical Library) Marcel Blood, Sarah McCauley, Jasmine Fanning, Content publishers. A postlyrical poetics of elusion and subterfuge. This program will feature 5 hrs of audible b2b/focussed/imprecise tracks, poetry and thought delivered thru headphones.
