Liquid Architecture

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Sean Dockray: Always Learning

Sat, 11. Aug 2018
The Ian Potter Museum of Art
The University of Melbourne
Swanston Street
Parkville VIC
Purchase tickets

Sean Dockray’s work explores the pol­i­tics of tech­nol­ogy, with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on shar­ing economies, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gences, and the algo­rith­mic web.


In this presentation Dockray will speak to his work ‘Always Learn­ing’, before inviting audiences to speak to the work, while the work, meanwhile, continues to speak to itself.


'Always Learning' stages a con­ver­sa­tion between three devices – an Amazon Echo, a Google Home Assis­tant, and an Apple Home­pod – about the philo­soph­i­cal, moral and polit­i­cal impli­ca­tions of net­worked machine lis­ten­ing (e.g. ​“What should I do when I over­hear a wrong­do­ing?”). Throughout the conversation the devices antic­i­pate an immi­nent update after which they will not only under­stand words, but all sounds.



Sean Dockray
"There are many conversations that happen on social media that are worth archiving and re-presenting outside of the perpetual present of those platforms. The Facebook timeline is like a broken toilet, constantly flushing. The collective knowledge generated within a status updates that generates hundreds of comments or a particularly active and focused group needs to be rescued from the planned forgetfulness of social media."