Match Fixer
MATCH FIXER has been constructing anxious states for about 5 years. What started out as a somewhat flippant exercise in smoggy tonal clusters and blunt beats has developed into more abstract, intricate and disorientating works as heard in his most recent self released recording titled ‘Rubble’. Using the full gamut of recording methods, Rubble is in constant upheaval, aching synth melodies and vertical sonorities arch over thuddy drum machine sequencing, colliding with feedback and gritty cassette samples and often stooping into cooler minimal and more spacious passages. Live, like ‘Rubble’, Match Fixer is restless targeting different zones, one night beat heavy and breathless the following beatless and searching.
Program / Events
Pan Daijing, Corin, Waterhouse, Match FixerSat, 30. Jun 2018