Liquid Architecture

? X

Marco Fusinato

Extended Breakdown is a live interpretation of my first solo record (Extended EP in E), which featured a single locked groove repeating a distorted E chord. When played, each revolution caused the groove to breakdown and the sound to eventually become white noise. What began as distinct and minimal, over time becomes the opposite, a wash of frequencies across the spectrum and maximalist noise. Tuning to detuning.

Can you describe an experience that contributed to you becoming a musician?

The popular music of my youth was a good reason. The fact I despised it so much made me seek alternatives. My complete hatred for it continues to be a source of inspiration. When I hear piped 80's popular music in public spaces it kills me. I find it such an infringement. It's a form of torture that's infiltrated the western world. Everything about it wants me to create the most unsympathetic music possible.
